0 Replies and 1302 Views
Scope of library update forum
1302 0 - Started by Vasilis Ziogas, last post from 2023-08-29 13:19
This is a place intended to inform you about new additions, changes and enhancements that take place in Capture&39;s library.
Since the library is updated on a daily basis, the posts on this forum are focused only on things that are not easily spotted by the user (e.g. the addition of a new actor) unless he thoroughly goes through all the library&39;s categories.
To avoid overpopulating this place, no fixture addition/modification announcements will be posted here.
Your feedback and a...
0 Replies and 33 Views
Video Capture
33 0 - Started by Mode Creative, last post from 2025-01-09 15:58
Hello, how are you I&39;m having a problem capturing video, can you help me I&39;m using a BlackMagic 4K on the computer&39;s PCI, it recognizes it in the software but the video doesn&39;t appear in the software!! Is there a maximum size that the software accepts Or could I be having some other problem
Olá, tudo bem Estou com um problema para capturar vídeo, você pode me ajudar Estou usando um BlackMagic 4K no PCI do computador, ele reconhece no software, mas o vídeo não aparece no ...
1 Replies and 80 Views
Ayrton Veloce
80 1 - Started by Alejandro, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Hello Ayrton veloce only has extended mode and not the standar mode. its possible change
0 Replies and 117 Views
117 0 - Started by Vasilis Ziogas, last post from 2024-12-03 16:02
The ModTruss modular building truss series is now available in our library.
Feel free to explore them and create unique structures with interesting lighting results.
1 Replies and 168 Views
Creation Fixture
168 1 - Started by Lucas Duchemin, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Bonjour j&39;ai un spectacle avec des PR-2012H Chameleon de chez PR Lighting.
La fixture existe pas, est&39;il possible de la crée svp :)
merci d&39;avance
0 Replies and 133 Views
New modular frame series now available
133 0 - Started by Vasilis Ziogas, last post from 2024-11-01 22:19
We are pleased to announce that the Freedom series of Admiral Staging is now available in our library.
You can easily and quickly build numerous different types of setups.
1 Replies and 112 Views
Incorrect Weights and Consume
112 1 - Started by Events91, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Hi, I use to work with cameo and I found 2 errors on Opus S5 and Evos W7, can you correct that please
Cameo Opus S5 The library consumption is 530W while the fixture consumption is 650W. https://www.cameolight.com/es/soluciones/alquiler/iluminacion-movil/cabezas-moviles-de-foco/19890/opus-s5
Cameo Evos W7 The library weight is 19kg while the fixture wwight is 23kg. https://www.cameolight.com/es/soluciones/alquiler/iluminacion-movil/cabezas-moviles-de-iluminacion/20565/evos-w7...
1 Replies and 143 Views
Base plates and more
143 1 - Started by Vasilis Ziogas, last post from Floriaan
Here is a list of our latest additions to our truss library:
Base 600x600x8 Alu
Base 600x600x8 Steel
Base 600x600x10 Alu
Base 600x600x10 Steel
Base 995x995x8 Alu
Base 995x995x8 Steel
Base 995x995x10 Alu
Base 995x995x10 Steel
Inter Base FS32-030FE 6mm
Inter Base FS32-031FE 8mm
Inter Base FS33-030 6mm
Inter Base FS33-030FE 6mm
Inter Base FS33-031 8mm
Inter Base FS33-031FE 8mm
Inter Base FS34-030 6mm
Inter Base FS34-030FE 6mm
Inter Base FS34-031 8mm
Inter Base FS34-031F...
6 Replies and 788 Views
Stage Decks arrived
788 6 - Started by Vasilis Ziogas, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
We have now created a new filter category in the library&39;s Truss folder named "Decks".
This filter will be the home for stage decks, legs, railings, stairs and any other relevant equipment.
Prolyte&39;s StageDex series, with its compatible legs and rails, has already been uploaded.
Stairs and the LiteDeck series are following soon.