
Capture Atlas revision history

The first release of Capture Atlas was version 22.0.11, the 9th of May 2016.

Version 22.1.8, released the 10th January 2017
SketchUp Import
When importing files from SketchUp, Capture tried to guess the scale.
Circle Truss
When adding circular truss from the library an incorrect diameter adjustment was made, resulting in the wrong diameter.
Power Location
The power location indicator symbol was not drawn for fixtures not using the plot symbol.
Version 22.1.7, released the 28th November 2016
Beam Flickering
Lighting beams would flicker on Intel HD 2000/3000 video cards.
HSV Modes
Colour mixing in HSV modes only produced red coloured outputs.
CITP Universes
CITP-based DMX universe transfer was limited to a maximum of 100 universes.
Version 22.1.5, released the 31st October 2016
Deleting Materials
Deleting a material could lead to a crash on Mac OS X.
Text Editing
Typing special characters when editing text could lead to a crash on Mac OS X.
Video Looping
All video players would always restart playback whenever any video player had reached its end on Mac OS X.
Colour Presets
Fixtures would get stuck in colour presets if they used another colour mixing mode than when not in a preset.
Fixture Visualization
Changing between layers with different settings for whether fixture visualization is enabled did not enable or disable fixture visualization.
Version 22.1.4, released the 6th October 2016
CITP Disconnect
Capture could crash when a CITP connection was lost.
Project Tabs
Double clicking in the empty space of the Design tab properties list or the Library tab tree lead to a crash on Mac OS X.
Library Tab
Selecting an item in the tree of the library tab when the tree did not have focus could lead to it collapsing on Mac OS X.
Drag & Drop
When quick copying items in orthographic wireframe views they were inserted at origo if their center was located behind the camera.
Annotation Offset
Annotations did not have an extra depth offset to prevent them from being drawn inside other near objects in front and section views.
Prism Visualization
Engaging a prism in a fixture could lead to beams showing random graphics.
DWG Import
DWG model import respected the active layout rather than always using model space.
Version 22.1.3, released the 5th September 2016
Circular Truss
Assigning a circle angle to a straight truss without a circle diameter lead to Capture hanging.
Version 22.1.2, released the 23rd August 2016
Adding Fixtures
Adding fixtures with any view showing fixture information could lead to a crash.
EntTec Devices
Disconnecting an EntTec device could lead to a crash.
Projected Lighting
Lighting projected towards the direction of the camera and on a surface near the camera could sometimes be partially cut.
VCP Devices
Unrecognized virtual COM-port devices would remain locked by Capture and unavailable to other softwares.
Project Save
The asterisk project change indicator in the project window was not cleared correctly on project save.
Version 22.1.1, released the 17th August 2016
Layered Control
Support for dual layer (ie. master & individual cell) light and colour control in fixtures.
Backup Files
In the event that a project file backup is present on open or save, choices for dealing with this are presented.
Circular Truss
The diameter of circular truss has been changed to refer to the outer diameter rather than the center diameter.
Locked Layers
Non-structural editing (such as filtering or number assignments as opposed to for instance deleting and grouping) operations are now allowed for fixtures in locked layers.
Mac Printing
Printing in the 'non imageable' area is now allowed on Mac OS X.
Focus Change
When changing focus between views and windows some operations were not enabled or disabled properly.
Mac Colours
Visualization colour rendering on Mac OS X has been adjusted for better correctness.
Plot Grid
Setting the grid width or height of a plot view inset to 0 lead to Capture hanging.
Mac Menus
The context menus of the universe as well as frame list editor views did not work on Mac OS X.
Stuck Shutters
The use of colour macro channels could lead to shutters getting stuck in visualization.
EntTec Devices
EntTec DMX device support did not work on Mac OS X 10.11.
Mac Menus
System commands in the menu on Mac OS X were not localized.
Fixture Report
Fixture reports did not sort properly by patch if custom patch bases were used.
Version 22.0.25, released the 5th July 2016
Multiple Properties
Sometimes a property edited through a dropdown menu was not changeable if multiple objects were selected.
Wide Beams
The visualization of projections from very wide angle fixtures could fail at certain viewing positions.
Version 22.0.24, released the 27th June 2016
Laser Projections
Laser projections on surfaces at a long distance from the camera could fail.
Page Settings
Printer page settings were lost between saving and opening project files.
Barndoor Adjustments
Making barndoor adjustments caused bright flashes on the barndoors that caused automatic exposure fluctuations.
Version 22.0.23, released the 20th June 2016
Large Objects
Loading project files containing very large objects could lead to a crash.
Presentation Quit
Terminating a presentation on Mac OS X using Cmd+Q could lead to a crash.
Right Click
Right click could not be emulated with Ctrl-click on Mac OS X in list and tree views.
Plot Scale
The plot view inset scale text was misaligned for larger text sizes .
Sorting of project items was case sensitive in some views.
Omnidirectional lighting fixtures were not included in reports.
Version 22.0.21, released the 3rd June 2016
Plot Printing
Plots printed on Mac OS X could have an incorrect vertical offset, depending on printer characteristics.
Symbol Key
It was not possible to edit custom texts in plot symbol keys on Mac OS X.
Keyboard Shortcuts
The Delete and Deselect All keyboard shortcuts did not work in the plot editor.
Frontmount Annotations
The connecting line between frontmount fixtures (such as scrollers, blinders, etc.) and their annotations was incorrectly placed.
Version 22.0.19, released the 27th May 2016
Student Edition
The Student Edition for Mac OS X app was not correctly signed.
Version 22.0.18, released the 24th May 2016
Delete Layer
Deleting layers could take very long time if used in many objects.
Fixture Snap
Conventional fixtures that had been focused snapped to truss at the wrong location.
Fixture Speed
Jumping back to motion speed control from motion time control of fixtures did not work.
SketchUp Textures
Models with textures imported with incorrect colours on Mac OS X.
Rotation Anchor
The rotation anchor would appear when only one a measurement end was selected.
Import Model
The import model progress dialog had several issues on Mac OS X.
Recent Files
Recently access files no longer accessible were not listed in the welcome window.
Version 22.0.15, released the 20th May 2016
Save Image
Saving images on a Mac with an AMD Radeon R9 series video card would fail.
Hog Connectivity
Connecting to a Hog lighting console could fail.
Version 22.0.13, released the 17th May 2016
R9 300 Series
Fixed live visualization rendering issues on Macs with AMD Radeon R9 300 series video cards.
Laser Beams
Laser beams maximum length prevented large scale projection visualization.
Plot Styles
Plot styles did not apply to plot view insets.
DWG Import
Imported DXF/DWG objects were hollow/wireframe.
Project Save
Saving files in folders synchronized with services such as DropBox and Google Drive was prone to errors.
Video Playback
Some video files did not play back correctly on Windows.
Fixture Channel
A fixture's channel property was not editable in the Design tab.
Slot Frames
The slot frames column of the Fixtures tab did not always appear on Mac OS X.
Widget Layers
Widgets could be assigned to and were coloured by layers, but not hidden through layer sets.
Version 22.0.12, released the 10th May 2016
Mac OS X 10.9
Capture did not run properly on Mac OS X 10.9.
Blank Printouts
Printing plots on Mac OS X could result in blank pages.
Page Layout
Page layout settings did not carry through to printing in Mac OS X.

For older versions of Capture, see the Capture Argo revision history.


Capture Argo fixes and changes have been categorized as follows:

Major bug fixes
Minor bug fixes