17 Library Tab
Here you can find content to drag and drop into your design.
17.1 Installation and Updates
The library is a separate download from Capture itself. The first time you access the library tab you will need to download and install the library. This is done from within the management view, which opens automatically if you don’t have a library installed.
The Download button downloads and automatically installs the latest library directly from our website.
The Install Library.. button lets you select a library file to install that you have downloaded yourself from our website.
If you need to update the library at a later point you can always open the library management view by clicking on the cog wheel button at the top left of the Library Tab. Since the library is being updated almost daily, it is a good practice to periodically download and install the latest.
Technically the installation of a library simply means copying the library file to the correct location. On macOS this is ~/Library/Application Support/Capture 2024 and on Windows it is C: (name) .
17.2 Content and Support
If you discover any issues with or are missing something in the library you can reach out to us at library@capture.se. Library support is included with every Capture licence.
17.2.1 Student Edition Library
The purpose of the Student Edition is to allow students to learn the principles of making lighting designs with Capture. In order to be able to provide the Student Edition for free, the library is limited to around 50 fixtures that are representative of the fundamental types of technology used by the industry.
17.3 Built-in
17.3.1 Distance
Distance measurements can be used both to measure distances and serve as spacers or construction geometry by setting a specific distance.
Double click on the endpoints of a distance measurement to move and snap them to specific points.
In design views in Plot mode it is also possible to double click on the distance annotation and adjust its position (when plot adjustments are enabled).
The Distance property shows the current distance of the measurement. It serves both as an indication and as a way of setting a specific distance.
The plot annotation Visible property makes it possible to hide the distance annotation on plots.
The plot annotation Precision property controls how detailed the distance information is shown on plots.
17.3.2 Angle
Angle measurements can be used both to measure angles as well as server as construction geometry for known angles.
Double click on the endpoints of an angle measurement to move and snap them to specific points.
In design views in Plot mode it is also possible to double click on the angle annotation and adjust its position (when plot adjustments are enabled).
The Angle property shows the current angle of the measurement. It serves both as an indication and a means of setting a specific angle.
The plot annotation Visible property makes it possible to hide the angle annotation on plots.
17.3.3 Line
Lines can be used to indicate many things, such as for instance the center line on stage.
Double click on the endpoints of a line to move them.
The Line style property allows for different choices of stroke style.
17.3.4 Ruler
Rulers are good for aiding the reader of a plot judge the size of objects and distance between them.
Double click on the endpoints of a ruler to move them.
The Segment length property defines the sample point intervals.
The Alignment property defines the location of the 0 point.
17.3.5 Image
Images are good for creating reference underlays in designs. They are meant to be used in Wireframe and Plot mode in design views, and are invisible in Live mode in design views.
By default they show Capture’s application icon, but the image can be changed using the Image property.
Use the Width and Height properties to define the physical size of the image in your design.
Importing PDF or DWG files containing images using the Import Model commands will also produce Image objects in your design. It is in these cases that the Drawing unit property is used.
17.3.6 Cable
Cables can be used to add cable run information to plots and reports.
Double click on the endpoints of a cable to move them. When a single endpoint is selected, the Split command can be used to add extra points. Extra points can be removed using the Delete command.
The length of a cable run is calculated from its 3D distance plus any Cable extra added. It is then rounded up to the nearest multiple of the value specified by the Cable rounding property.
The Cable start and Cable end properties are shown at the end and start of the cable on plots.
In reports, cables are grouped by Cable type and Distance.
17.3.7 Point Snapper
Point snappers are widgets that make it possible to create object groups that snap in custom ways. Two point snappers snap to eachother like magnets, without altering the orientation of the snapping object.
The Match property works like a filtering mechanism - only snappers with the same Match property value will snap to each other.
17.3.8 Directional Snapper
Directional snappers are identical to Point Snappers, but also orient the snapping object so that it lines up with the other directional snapper.
Each library truss item in Capture contains an invisible directional snapper at each end of the truss with a Match property value of “Truss”. This means that you could build object groups with directional snappers inside that snap to library trusses.
17.3.9 Line Snapper
The line snapper is a widget that Point Snappers and Directional Snappers snap to.
Each library truss item in Capture contains a line snapper along its main tubes with a Match property value of “Fixture”. As a result, setting the Match property to “Fixture” means that fixtures will snap to it.
17.3.10 DMX Mover
DMX Movers can move objects across a predefined range along the X Y Z axis.
Objects are associated with DMX Movers by setting their Motion fixture property. The names when making the selection come from the DMX Movers’ Unit property. It is also possible to drag and drop objects on DMX Movers - see the Manipulation section of Design Views for more details.
When a group is associated with a DMX Mover, all objects in that group will automatically behave as if they were too.
Movers can be configured to operate on only one axis, for example Y, so that the objects associated with it only move up and down. This is done by setting the X Range and Z Range properties of the DMX Mover to 0. You may also want to change the Mode of the DMX Mover to choose between 8-bit or 16-bit resolution and conserve DMX channels. See the DMX Movers section of the DMX Tables appendix for more information.
17.3.11 DMX Rotator
DMX Rotators can be used to rotate objects around an axis and within a specific range.
Generally, the same principles as for DMX Movers apply.
Continuous rotation is available in the DMX modes that include a speed channel.
The Alpha range property determines the size of the rotation of the object and by altering the Alpha origin property, you can determine the degrees of the start position of the object.
17.3.12 Motion Construct
Motion constructs are used with tracking protocols. Each motion construct represents a trackable object. Associate the Motion Fixture property of objects with a motion construct to link them with the tracking data.
17.3.13 Report Item
Report items are widgets that make it possible to add equipment and information to reports.
The Section property decides whether the report item’s information sorts under Other or Trusses. When Other is chosen, the Other type can be used to add more specific information about what type of equipment is specified.
The Name property can be used to identify what specific type of truss or Other type is specified.
The Multiplier property specifies how many items are specified.
The Rating and Weight properties specify the rating and weight of one item.
17.3.14 Rigging Point
Rigging points are symbols with a special meaning. They can be listed and counted in reports as well as show position information in plots (when the Show coordinate property is set to Yes).
17.3.15 Smoke Machine
Smoke machines are symbols with a special meaning. They can be listed and counted in reports.
17.3.17 Smoke
Smoke boxes are widgets that represent an area of atmosphere. All new projects contain an auto sizing smoke box by default. When selected, a smoke box is shown as a grid box.
Typical applications of more than one smoke box include denser smoke on stage in an arena with otherwise thin haze as well as localized fog situations such as heavy fog or fog behind a glass.
Limiting smoke to the area around the stage also helps avoid problems with beams pointed towards the audience over-saturating the visualisation.
17.3.18 HDRI
HDRIs are widgets that allow loading HDR images for environmental lighting. An HDRI provides a backdrop to the environment and more interesting ambient and specular lighting.
HDR images loaded must be in the EXR format.
The location of an HDRI widget is irrelevant to the placement of the panoramic effect as it always follows the camera. The panoramic effect can be oriented using its Rotation property.
HDR images are not calibrated to a known level of illumination. The Intensity property controls the overall intensity of the HDRI. The Lighting Intensity property controls the intensity of the lighting from the HDRI, relative the Intensity property.
The Blur property controls the sharpness of the panoramic effect.
Only one HDRI widget can affect a view at the time. If multiple HDRI widgets are present, only one of them will be used.
17.3.19 Reflection Plane
Reflection planes are widgets that assist the rendering engine in the creation of secondary reflections.
When placed and carefully aligned with flat surfaces to which materials with high smoothness have been assigned, a mirror-like effect can be achieved.
The Width and Depth properties control the size of a reflection plane.
17.3.20 Focus Plane
Focus planes are widgets that provide visual guidance and illuminance information when focusing fixtures.
When selected, a focus plane is shown as a grid. When in Focus mode in a live view, all focus planes are shown by default and it is possible to choose between hiding them or showing them either as grids, solid white planes or as illuminance heatmaps.
The Width and Depth properties control the size of the focus plane.
The Grid width and Grid depth properties define the grid spacing of the focus plane.
The Heatmap min and Heatmap max properties define the illuminance levels in lux indicated by the focus plane when shown as a heatmap.
17.5 Objects
In this category you will find a comprehensive list of objects (adjustable or not) sorted by type. Do note that objects with icons in blue are adjustable, whereas objects with icons in black can’t have their size changed.
17.6 Materials
This category contains a list of materials sorted by type. After dragging a material and dropping it into the project you can customize its properties. Simply go to the Library tab - Materials category and choose any of the materials that need tweaking.
17.7 Truss
This category contains a list of truss parts sorted by manufacturer. The filtering mechanism on the right-hand side is designed to help you find the truss part you are searching for faster.
17.8 Fixtures
This category contains a list of fixtures sorted by manufacturer. The filtering mechanism on the right-hand side is designed to help you find the fixture you are searching for faster.
17.9 Fixture Symbols
This category contains a list of fixture symbols sorted by manufacturer. The filtering mechanism on the right-hand side is designed to help you find the symbol you are searching for faster. You can either replace the original symbol of a fixture with something from this category, or add a symbol as a mere graphical representation of a fixture.
17.10 Symbols
This category contains a list of symbols sorted by type. The filtering mechanism on the right-hand side is designed to help you find the symbol you are searching for faster. You can add any of the symbols as a report item, if you need to make your plot more informative on items other than fixtures.