10 Plot Editor

The plot editor is opened from within the Plots category of the Design Tab.

Plots consist of insets laid out on a page. To add an inset, right click on the page and choose an inset type.

Insets can be selected by clicking on them. Use the Shift key to add more insets to your selection and the Ctrl key to toggle whether an inset is selected or not. When one or more insets are selected, their properties are listed under Properties on the right hand side.

The Page setup command lets you set up the dimensions of the page. If you intend to print a plot using the operating system it is advisable to use the paper size and orientation associated with the printer in question.

The Export to PDF command exports the plot directly to a PDF file, bypassing the operating system’s printing facilities. This is often favourable to using the operating system as it provides better control of the output resolution and produces compact PDF files.

The Print command prints the plot using the operating system. Make sure to match the page settings with the page settings used for the plot.